KAP7 Clinic Waiver
I am the participant, or I acknowledge that I am the legal guardian of the participant, (the Participant) who will be participating in the event “KAP7 Melbourne Summer Holiday Camp” to take place on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of January 2021 at Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre, VIC (Event) which is organised by KAP7 Australia. I confirm that the Participant is physically fit and has trained sufficiently in order to take part in the Event and has not been advised otherwise by a suitably qualified medical professional.
I hereby consent to:
1. the Participant taking part in the Event;
2. the Participant receiving such medical treatment as may be deemed necessary or advisable in the event of injury, accident or illness during the Event; and
3. KAP7 and CNVZ utilising photographs or video footage of the Participant for any legitimate purpose by the Organisers, their agents, related bodies corporate and any sponsors of the Event.
I hereby acknowledge that:
1. the Event organised or conducted by the Organisers is an athletic event to be conducted at an aquatic facility, and may involve an extreme test of the Participants physical and mental limits and as such, has inherent dangers and risks, including risk of injury or death to the Participant;
2. the risks associated with the Event may include, without any limitation, dehydration, physical injury, actions of other participants, Event officials or third parties;
3. due to the nature of the Event, it would be unreasonable for the Organisers to be in any way responsible for any injury to or death of the Participant howsoever caused;
4. the Participant will take part in the Event freely, voluntarily and absolutely at its own risk;
5. the Participant and I (as applicable) have a full appreciation of the nature and extent of all risks involved in the Event;
6. the Organisers may cancel or re-schedule the Event for any such reasons they deem reasonably necessary and in the event of such cancellation, no refund for registration fees or costs incurred in participation in the Event will be available to me or the Participant (as applicable) and that the Participant and I (as applicable) will be provided with credit for the registration fees to enable the Participant to partake in a re-scheduled or replacement event, if one is able to be held and which the Organisers will use reasonable endeavours to arrange. If the Event is re-scheduled, the Organisers will have sole discretion to vary the format of the Event such as, but not restricted to, the location, days of the week, game rules and number of games played.
I hereby and, if applicable, as legal guardian for the Participant, to the maximum extent permissible by law:
1. waive any and all legal rights of action against, and fully release and discharge the Organisers for loss, damages, injury or death howsoever arising out of or in relation to the participation by the Participant in the Event conducted or organised by the Organisers, including without limitation, liability for any negligent or tortious act or omission, breach of duty, breach of contract or breach of statutory duty on the part of the Organisers, its office bearers, directors, employees, sponsors or agents; and
2. indemnify and hold harmless all entities or persons from any liabilities or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of my and/or the Participant’s participation (as applicable) in or actions during the Event.
I agree that this waiver is binding on myself and the Participant (as applicable) and each of our assigns or executors and that providing this waiver to the Organisers is a condition of the participation in the Event.
I certify that I have read and understand this document and the waiver of my/the Participant’s legal rights.